Do you have passion and skills to donate?
- Gardening Volunteer–new flowers, trimming, and weeding.
- Groundskeeper–mulching and trimming.
- Sewing Volunteer–Chair pockets for primary grades
- PTO Derby Horse Race Volunteer–March 22nd, 2025
- Cafeteria Servers–Daily from 11am-1pm
- Woodworking Helper–refinish teacher desks
- Woodworking Helper–refinish class closet doors
- Plumbing Helper–refinish bathrooms
- Plumbing Helper–The Boiler
- Guest Speakers: Career, Culture, Everybody Counts, Veterans, etc.
- Retired teachers–sight word help, library help, etc.
- Catering–School events, staff luncheons, or social events.
- Electrician–complete the change over of lighting to LED
- Substitute Teachers–there is always a need for quality subs.
- Printing Studio–we have an ongoing need for customized signs, banners, stickers, stationary, etc.
- Other Small Business Preferred Vendors
Hand-Me-Down Wish List (New or gently used items that you might no longer need.)
- Picnic Tables
- Standing Desks
- VR and Augmented Reality Tools
- Graphing Calculators
- Art supplies
- Musical Instruments
- Robotics Equipment
- Sports Equipment
- School Supplies
- Costumes, Scenery, or Equipment for Junior High Plays
- Candy or small toys for classroom prizes
- Books for our library or classrooms [all reading levels].
- Lego building blocks, board games, playdoh, puzzles, etc. for indoor recess and learning stations.
- Magazine subscriptions: Cobblestone, Faces, Sports Illustrated Kids OR old magazines for art supplies.
- Gym equipment: sports balls, jump ropes, hula hoops, etc. Both items for gym class and recess.