Affordable Catholic Education For All Students
EdChoice Scholarships now available for EVERY student!
(The following information is new for the 2023-2024 school year.) We are so excited to encourage all St. Gabriel families to apply for a tuition scholarship for each child. EVERY family that applies, no matter what your income level, will receive at least a partial scholarship. Please read the following information carefully and complete the steps below in order to apply for your child’s EdChoice Scholarship. *If your family has already applied for EdChoice, you do not need to take any further action. The new Ohio state budget has expanded the EdChoice Program to serve all families regardless of income or public school district of residence. To receive a a full scholarship, a family of 4 would have an adjusted gross income of $135,000. The chart below gives you the information for other family sizes. (Please note: The amounts in this chart may change slightly, but it should be a close estimate for you to judge the scholarship that can be provided for your family situation.) Applying for EdChoiceSTEP ONE: Gather/complete these 3 required documents:
Tip: Please check the box in the Income section that says “Yes, I believe I qualify for low income status.” If you believe your child would be assigned to a “failing” school, you would check “No.”
2. Proof of Residency document This link provides the list of acceptable documents. (Most families will provide a utility bill that is dated within the past 90 days.) Tip: Your utility bill (electric, gas, water, sewer, or cable/internet) must show both the service address and a matching mailing address.
3. A copy of your child’s birth certificate Optional: Check Authorization Form EdChoice sends your child’s tuition check to St. Gabriel each month after we verify his/her monthly attendance at school. This form allows us to deposit the tuition check each month on your behalf. If you choose not to complete the form, then you will need to come into school each month to endorse the check. STEP 2: Submit the documents from step 1 to our school office.
You have 3 options for submitting the above documents (Request Form, Proof of Residency, Birth Certificate, and optional Check Authorization Form): *Email the documents to [email protected]. Please put your child’s name in the subject line. Only submit one child’s application and documents per email, please. OR *Mail the documents to school: St. Gabriel School~18 West Sharon Road~Cincinnati, OH 45246 OR *Bring the documents in person to the school office. Our regular office hours begin August 1 from 8:30 to 11:30. STEP 3: Complete the Income Verification through the portal. Parents must upload supporting income documents directly into the online Scholarship Program Income Verification Portal, which is located on the Ohio EdChoice website. Your income information is not submitted to our school. Follow the directions to open an OH/ID account to access the portal. *Tip: If your child is assigned to attend a “failing” public school, you do not have to complete the income verification step. No Princeton, Winton Woods, Fairfield, or Lakota schools are currently on the “failing” list.
Complete Steps 1, 2, and 3 by the first day of school, August 23. Applications received by Ohio EdChoice after October 14 will receive reduced, pro-rated scholarships. All applications must be submitted to St. Gabriel by August 23 to provide us time to meet EdChoice deadlines. Our school will be notified when each student is awarded a scholarship, but you can follow the progress of your child’s application through your OH/ID Account. The Ohio Department of Education and Workforce awards the scholarships. Parents/guardians are responsible for completing the steps above in a timely fashion. The Ohio EdChoice scholarship covers tuition only. It cannot be applied to school fees or registration fees. Please contact the Ohio EdChoice office and/or our school office with any questions. EDCHOICE SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM25 S. Front Street, Mail Stop 309 Columbus, Ohio 43215 [email protected] 614-728-2743 or 877-644-6338 Once your child has been awarded an EdChoice scholarship, our business manager (Deacon Jeff Merrell) will begin processing any refunds for tuition that you are due. It is important to note that we are required to submit your child’s attendance each month before the state will send the next tuition payment. Students are not permitted to miss more than 20 days of school in a year and keep the scholarship. We are excited and thankful for this benefit that will make a difference for all of our families and for our school. Please contact us at [email protected] with any further questions. |